Some of the chicks on the team were feeling down yesterday, must be something in the air, as I was too..... I saw Helen and she was feeling down too - we reckon its the weather... anywho - we have decided to write down a 'thing' a day to cheer us up - either something that has made us smile or something to be thankful for....... so here goes...
Have got two for today.....
1st smile was a post by Rach on the team thread... it was her 6,000 post and made me giggle. she sang Happy 6,000 post to herself and then give a speech of thanks - sooo funnny....
2nd smile was on UKS again, Jen was saying about her scarf wearing and it appears that teenager Tich has given her a hickey on her neck - so I was saying about wearing a snood to cover it and it will take her back to her teens..... so she asked if I had one - so I googled a picture and the first page of pictures were of dogs in snoods.... SO funny

and this one..... Ann Summers style Snood :O