Elaine,Simon and Jonathan came to stay for the weekend and brought little Millie with them too, she was very good, Copper and Pippin are exhausted today tho and have spent most of the day sleeping after playing with Millie all weekend and not getting any peace and quiet to snooze;)
Had a lovely weekend, Helen,Keith and and the girls came over too and we had a lovely time, just like the old days, the kids all played nicely together, we went on a lovely walk on Saturday and then chilled on Sunday.... had a competition on the Wii with Mario Olympics for the adults on Saturday night..... it was fun, the lads were very competitive tho;) I decided after last weekends takeaway and me putting a lb on that I would do the cooking... Andy made homemade lemon meringue on Sunday and custard icecream which was very yummy.....
Weighed in today and had lost 2lbs.... very chuffed...... after this weeks lose (yep I counting on another lose :P) I will eventually be back under the next stone like I was before the new scales arrived ;) so I need to stay nice and motiviated...... am going to have a think of some yummy things to have for tea......
Nicole has started a swimming course, Little Dippers, as is doing fab, her next session is tomorrow, last week she was swimming with just a woggle and using her arms and legs... so proud of her :)
Nicole has started a swimming course, Little Dippers, as is doing fab, her next session is tomorrow, last week she was swimming with just a woggle and using her arms and legs... so proud of her :)
Had a lovely mothers day...... was very spolit, got chocolate, beautiful necklace, truffles, Help voucher book and a lovely Momijji doll which the girls chose for me..... to addto my collection...
Here she is......