Yeh, its Saturday today, and Crop day today... woo hoo.....
We got the letter from School today, woo hoo, Nicole has been offered a place....... SO pleased :) did a Happy Dance when I read the letter..... SO proud of my girlies........:) thats all 3 in now.... yeah :) Its going to hit me hard in September tho when little 'squeak' is at school :(
Had a very productive crop, managed to finish 2 layouts and nearly finished a third too.... the day didnt start out fab on the layout front tho, was going to do a layout using pictures of my Niece at the wacky on the slide, they are primary colours and I find it really hard to scrap primary, had chosen some papers last night to go with them, and after lots of faffering, the photos have once again returned to the 'later' pile.... but it was full steam from there - all the other layouts went like a dream..... Will take a quick piccie of them and pop them on here for you in a min.
What have I had to eat today - ummm..... was a saint at the Crop and had NO biscuits, chocolate or anything naughty.... which for me is good :) Breakfast was a muller and melon. Lunch was homemade soup, 6 krispbreads, 3 laugh cow x lite, 1 babybel and some fruit, my treat was a can of diet coke. For tea I had jacket potato and chickpea dahl which I used to love, tastes must change as I really didnt enjoy it :( had somemushy peas with it too.... then made some yummy rice pudding for desert. Treat this evening was, yes Ive eaten it already, a Tolberone 9.5 syns and thats if for today. Was talking with Paul at the Crop today about Chocolate, and he is just the same, that he needs to eat anything and everything if he doesnt have any chocolate, same as me, hence the ickle choccie treat each night, I wish I could do without it, but alias no :(
Right going to hunt for my camera to take some piccies of my layouts for you.