Thursday, February 28, 2008
3 New Fishes....
Nearly forgot to tell you :P We got 3 new little fish yesterday, very cute, they have moved in with our exisiting fish and all seem to be getting on very well ;) No fighting at all.... they all look very happy... and the girls are so pleased with them.
Found a fab site today for jewellery making.....
has got loads of projects on there...... am going to have a go at the bracelet one.... so watch this space..... ;)
has got loads of projects on there...... am going to have a go at the bracelet one.... so watch this space..... ;)
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Well the earth certainly moved for me last night.... oh er misus :P
We had an earthquake, the biggest for 25 years.... hit 5.2 on the ricta scale..... it was jsut before 1am and the whole bed, room, cupboards, ornaments shook.... scary..... Chloe woke up and came running into our room, Lauren and Nicole however slept thru it.......
Been a bit of a bad blogger at the moment, dont seem to have 5 mins, have been working at the office all last week while Nic was at school, and worked Monday this week.... have got today off to catch up with jobs and meetings tomorrow and Fri morning ;).... have got Elaine, Simon,Jonathan and Millie coming to stay for the weekend, really looking forward to it :)
Its crop night tonight, so might not get on the computer later, seem to be so tired at the moment, so am trying to get to bed earlier......
Diet is going OK, had a weekend off tho, had lost 1 lb on friday BUT after the weekend of having chinese, proper sunday lunch and dessert on weigh in on Monday had put 1 lb on ...... didnt particularly enjoy the chinese which makes it even worse :P, am being very good this week.... and am even going to cook for everyone at the weekend rather than getting a takeaway...
Right, got to go, domestic duties call....... xx
We had an earthquake, the biggest for 25 years.... hit 5.2 on the ricta scale..... it was jsut before 1am and the whole bed, room, cupboards, ornaments shook.... scary..... Chloe woke up and came running into our room, Lauren and Nicole however slept thru it.......
Been a bit of a bad blogger at the moment, dont seem to have 5 mins, have been working at the office all last week while Nic was at school, and worked Monday this week.... have got today off to catch up with jobs and meetings tomorrow and Fri morning ;).... have got Elaine, Simon,Jonathan and Millie coming to stay for the weekend, really looking forward to it :)
Its crop night tonight, so might not get on the computer later, seem to be so tired at the moment, so am trying to get to bed earlier......
Diet is going OK, had a weekend off tho, had lost 1 lb on friday BUT after the weekend of having chinese, proper sunday lunch and dessert on weigh in on Monday had put 1 lb on ...... didnt particularly enjoy the chinese which makes it even worse :P, am being very good this week.... and am even going to cook for everyone at the weekend rather than getting a takeaway...
Right, got to go, domestic duties call....... xx
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Lazy Blogger :(
What a lazy blogger.... :(
Half term week for us last week.... didnt seem to get five minutes... had a great week, went caching at the weekend and find 5 caches and a coin, then Monday met up with friends at the park, then off to Blackpool to stay with BFs while Andy was working, had a fab time, Tuesday went to the beach, it was glorious weather, came back Tuesday night. Wednesday had a lazy morning at home, kids played and I got the jobs done, then off to the park in the afternoon. Thursday went to friends house, Lauren got a Valentines Card (wit woo), and had a lovely romantic family meal in the evening. Friday met up with more friends. Saturday went to a family party to meet cousin from Germany new little twins.... had a great time and then today... geocaching again, hid the coin and found another coin and another 5 caches... weather was gorgeous again, lots of fresh air.... back to school/work tomorrow for everyone.... have had a very good diet week.... had fish and chips on Monday at friends house and felt SO sick afterwards... and had cake for dessert on Tuesday night after dinner but besides that have been very good even tho its been half term.... insert polishes halo smilie... am hoping for another good loss tomorrow.... will report back .... promise.... bye for now ;)
Half term week for us last week.... didnt seem to get five minutes... had a great week, went caching at the weekend and find 5 caches and a coin, then Monday met up with friends at the park, then off to Blackpool to stay with BFs while Andy was working, had a fab time, Tuesday went to the beach, it was glorious weather, came back Tuesday night. Wednesday had a lazy morning at home, kids played and I got the jobs done, then off to the park in the afternoon. Thursday went to friends house, Lauren got a Valentines Card (wit woo), and had a lovely romantic family meal in the evening. Friday met up with more friends. Saturday went to a family party to meet cousin from Germany new little twins.... had a great time and then today... geocaching again, hid the coin and found another coin and another 5 caches... weather was gorgeous again, lots of fresh air.... back to school/work tomorrow for everyone.... have had a very good diet week.... had fish and chips on Monday at friends house and felt SO sick afterwards... and had cake for dessert on Tuesday night after dinner but besides that have been very good even tho its been half term.... insert polishes halo smilie... am hoping for another good loss tomorrow.... will report back .... promise.... bye for now ;)
Friday, February 8, 2008
Lots of posts today.... nearly forgot to report what I have had to eat today....
Today was a green day again - Brekkie was an Alpen light bar and a banana..... lunch was a jacket potato and beans and the half of the remains of last nights cold rice pudding with a pear. I met Fi at Costa this afternoon for a coffee... and was very good just had a medium filter with a splash of skim milk and no treats at all ;) Tea was Fish (HE B), SW chips and mushy Peas... followed by the other half of the remains of last nights cold rice pudding with a pear.... followed by another Alpen Light bar (HE B) (HE A's today were laugh cow cheese in jac pot and milk in rice pudding) - treat tonight is choccie.... so considering how 'pants' I am feeling after the scale problem am pleased with myself for not going OTT... and thinking sod it... as I used to do.... this time I am really going to be the slim me I was pre-kids.... and even those silly scales are not going to stop me neh neh neh neh neh :P
Today was a green day again - Brekkie was an Alpen light bar and a banana..... lunch was a jacket potato and beans and the half of the remains of last nights cold rice pudding with a pear. I met Fi at Costa this afternoon for a coffee... and was very good just had a medium filter with a splash of skim milk and no treats at all ;) Tea was Fish (HE B), SW chips and mushy Peas... followed by the other half of the remains of last nights cold rice pudding with a pear.... followed by another Alpen Light bar (HE B) (HE A's today were laugh cow cheese in jac pot and milk in rice pudding) - treat tonight is choccie.... so considering how 'pants' I am feeling after the scale problem am pleased with myself for not going OTT... and thinking sod it... as I used to do.... this time I am really going to be the slim me I was pre-kids.... and even those silly scales are not going to stop me neh neh neh neh neh :P
My card.....
Woo Hoo, today I have made my first card in ages, Chloe is going to Claudia's birthday tomorrow and as I have decided to make cards again have been busy doing my first one.... the picture isnt great of it... it has got stamped letters for her name, and my new Sizzix girlie on it.... which I have to say Andy made - isnt she great :) - let me know what you think of the card..... it doesnt look to 'homemade' does it?

Charity Day
Today was Charity Day at school, this years Charity was the Lifebox appeal. The girls did a sponsored skip around the school, paid £1 to come dressed up as 'someone who helps us' and the Juniors put on lots of stalls for the children to go to, fair type stalls and Year 3 brought in cakes to sell.... Chloe did a Treasure Hunt stall with a chocolate fountain (with Chloe you knew Chocolate would be involved somewhere:P) to dip marshmallows in after you had had your go....... Here are a couple of piccies of Chloe as a pirate and Lauren as a Doctor... as usual Chloe is posing... and a tired little LJ isnt too keen of having her piccie taken at all, and Nic joined the photo to pretend to be the patient :P
China Day
Tuesday was China Day at School, in celebration of the Chinese New Year, all Chloe's year dressed up in Chinese clothes or just bright clothes and did Chinese themed activites... I managed to get a beautiful handmade chinese outfit for Chloe to wear, thanks ebay :P and I did her hair in spiral twists each side of her head, et al chinese lady style.... here's a quick piccie, Chloe posing as usual :P......

Scales...... ggrrrrr
Having a scales problem at the moment, they have gone MAD.....
As you know, have been having a scales problem, was hoping they would be fine this morning, but no.... I got on the scales this morning and I was 4lb heavier.... and so was Andy...... so its definitely the scales and not me... but no matter how many times I got on and off they didnt change... so what should I do.... weigh myself on Monday and then go from there for what I lose next week - I dont want to say I have put on 4lbs as that will completely de-motivate me.....Andy is highly amused by it all - and says is that all I have got to worry about..... and quite frankly at themoment YES.... :P ......
I moved the scales all round the rooms last night, and it was amusing as I got DH to get on each time as well... moved them from the carpet in bathroom to the tiles in bathroom and put on half a stone, then moved them into the dressing room.... and lost a stone..... (like that place:) ) then moved them to the Gym and went down to 5 stone something as the floor is cushioned (liked there even more ) then moved them into our lounge in our room and they went to 6 stone something..... back to original place in the bathroom - still got the 4 lbs on.... Maybe If I lose any over the weekend, that could be this weeks loss and then go from there ..... grrrrrrrr
As you know, have been having a scales problem, was hoping they would be fine this morning, but no.... I got on the scales this morning and I was 4lb heavier.... and so was Andy...... so its definitely the scales and not me... but no matter how many times I got on and off they didnt change... so what should I do.... weigh myself on Monday and then go from there for what I lose next week - I dont want to say I have put on 4lbs as that will completely de-motivate me.....Andy is highly amused by it all - and says is that all I have got to worry about..... and quite frankly at themoment YES.... :P ......
I moved the scales all round the rooms last night, and it was amusing as I got DH to get on each time as well... moved them from the carpet in bathroom to the tiles in bathroom and put on half a stone, then moved them into the dressing room.... and lost a stone..... (like that place:) ) then moved them to the Gym and went down to 5 stone something as the floor is cushioned (liked there even more ) then moved them into our lounge in our room and they went to 6 stone something..... back to original place in the bathroom - still got the 4 lbs on.... Maybe If I lose any over the weekend, that could be this weeks loss and then go from there ..... grrrrrrrr
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Nearly Human....
Starting to feel a little more human now.... well as human as I can be :P
Had a major scales disaster this morning,weighed myself, and have put on 5 lbs.... two days of being sick and not eating and its only me that could have put on weight... SO NOT impressed :( got Andy to weigh himself too and he had put on 5 lbs since yesterday too..... so its then scales.... or is it... changed the battery - still weighing the same... my weight from has disappeared..... moved the scales to the tiled area and that was a mistake - put on half a stone :( so now I dont know where I am, Andy thinks I should stop stressing about how much I am or am not lossing. but I need to keep track... not sure what I should do :(
Had a bizarre food day, it was green..... coffee and alpen light bar this morning, 3 krisprolls and cheese for lunch and a Mug Shotz.... attempted to make butternut soup but it was blergh... so binned that...... had pesto pasta for tea, had two forkfuls and couldnt eat anymore... that was blergh too....... was going to cook rice pudding, but thought NO I'll make macaroni on the hob instead, (definitely think that thought is over-rated :P), anywho... macaroni doesnt go like rice pudding in a pan does it.... so I had a pan of cooked macaroni in milk.... nice... not... so just strained the milk out and am now cooking rice in the milk... and have just mixed a tsp of nutellla (2 syns) with a bowl of hot cooked macaroni... and how yum.... a yummy dessert made in error - go on - have a go..... its yum yum yum... nice and chocolately and really really nice and really naughty.... am going to get DH to share a packet of ready salted crisps with me.... feeling blergh..... and need to start trying toeat properly again....
Its Charity Day at school tomorrow, Lauren is going as a Doctor as the theme of the day is 'people who help us' all money from the day is going to the Lifebox charity that sends life boxes to places that have had natural disasters... Chloe is going as a Pirate, not quite with the people who help theme - but her group is doing a Treasure Map as a stall to raise money with a chocolate fountain, so they are all going dressed as pirates.... and what a scrap-a-holic am I, I have persuaded Chloe to go as a pink pirate as I have seen some gorgeous Rusty Pickle Pinnk Pirate paper.... that would be fab for a layout... how sad :P but it is yum.....

Had a major scales disaster this morning,weighed myself, and have put on 5 lbs.... two days of being sick and not eating and its only me that could have put on weight... SO NOT impressed :( got Andy to weigh himself too and he had put on 5 lbs since yesterday too..... so its then scales.... or is it... changed the battery - still weighing the same... my weight from has disappeared..... moved the scales to the tiled area and that was a mistake - put on half a stone :( so now I dont know where I am, Andy thinks I should stop stressing about how much I am or am not lossing. but I need to keep track... not sure what I should do :(
Had a bizarre food day, it was green..... coffee and alpen light bar this morning, 3 krisprolls and cheese for lunch and a Mug Shotz.... attempted to make butternut soup but it was blergh... so binned that...... had pesto pasta for tea, had two forkfuls and couldnt eat anymore... that was blergh too....... was going to cook rice pudding, but thought NO I'll make macaroni on the hob instead, (definitely think that thought is over-rated :P), anywho... macaroni doesnt go like rice pudding in a pan does it.... so I had a pan of cooked macaroni in milk.... nice... not... so just strained the milk out and am now cooking rice in the milk... and have just mixed a tsp of nutellla (2 syns) with a bowl of hot cooked macaroni... and how yum.... a yummy dessert made in error - go on - have a go..... its yum yum yum... nice and chocolately and really really nice and really naughty.... am going to get DH to share a packet of ready salted crisps with me.... feeling blergh..... and need to start trying toeat properly again....
Its Charity Day at school tomorrow, Lauren is going as a Doctor as the theme of the day is 'people who help us' all money from the day is going to the Lifebox charity that sends life boxes to places that have had natural disasters... Chloe is going as a Pirate, not quite with the people who help theme - but her group is doing a Treasure Map as a stall to raise money with a chocolate fountain, so they are all going dressed as pirates.... and what a scrap-a-holic am I, I have persuaded Chloe to go as a pink pirate as I have seen some gorgeous Rusty Pickle Pinnk Pirate paper.... that would be fab for a layout... how sad :P but it is yum.....

Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Hit by the bugs :(
Not been feeling great the last couple of days, think the bug has caught up with me, although I think I am doing a good job of fighting it..... not feeling good at all but no way near as bad as Andy was ;)....
Had a red day yesterday, muller and fruit for brekkie, chicken salad sandwich for lunch and syn free sausage, peas and HE B sw chips for tea.... Andy wasnt well yesterday so it was down to me to make the pancakes, and I have to say I suitably impressed not only the kids but me too... was a fab tosser, say no more :P and the pancakes were scrump-diddly-umptious..... ;) - had two ickle ones, made mine with skimmed milk tho... and fry light....
Today have hardly eaten anything, was sick a few times last night, but thought that was it.... tried to have a muller for brekkie, had a couple of cold sausage, 3 krispbreads with jam..... and bacon and HE B bread for tea... am finding it very hard feeling ill and being ill and still trying to keep to SW..... so not sure how well I have done this week... I know I should forget SW whilst Im not feeling well... but dont want to undo what I have done so far IYKWIM.... :(
Hopefully will be feeling a little better tomorrow :)
Enough about the sickie bug, have also caught the card making bug again too, have decided to start making cards again, and I am really enjoying it... have been playing with my cuttlebug dies and stamps and putting cards together.... not feeling so great now again so going to stop for tonight but will hopefully be back real soon with some piccies of what I have been up to... Have jsut found some stamps that I NEED.... they are called Sugar Nellies and they are just so adorable.... here's apeek :P
Off to bed now..... ;)
Had a red day yesterday, muller and fruit for brekkie, chicken salad sandwich for lunch and syn free sausage, peas and HE B sw chips for tea.... Andy wasnt well yesterday so it was down to me to make the pancakes, and I have to say I suitably impressed not only the kids but me too... was a fab tosser, say no more :P and the pancakes were scrump-diddly-umptious..... ;) - had two ickle ones, made mine with skimmed milk tho... and fry light....
Today have hardly eaten anything, was sick a few times last night, but thought that was it.... tried to have a muller for brekkie, had a couple of cold sausage, 3 krispbreads with jam..... and bacon and HE B bread for tea... am finding it very hard feeling ill and being ill and still trying to keep to SW..... so not sure how well I have done this week... I know I should forget SW whilst Im not feeling well... but dont want to undo what I have done so far IYKWIM.... :(
Hopefully will be feeling a little better tomorrow :)
Enough about the sickie bug, have also caught the card making bug again too, have decided to start making cards again, and I am really enjoying it... have been playing with my cuttlebug dies and stamps and putting cards together.... not feeling so great now again so going to stop for tonight but will hopefully be back real soon with some piccies of what I have been up to... Have jsut found some stamps that I NEED.... they are called Sugar Nellies and they are just so adorable.... here's apeek :P
Off to bed now..... ;)
Monday, February 4, 2008
Doing the Happy Dance.....
I lost 3 lbs this week ... woo hoo Happy Dance time- so thats 11lbs in 4 weeks now...... ;)
Andy and Nic are poorly with a dreaded sickness bug so had them both at home today,its been quite good tho as Nic has kept Andy company upstairs and I have been able to hide downstairs away from the germs..... Mike, Emily,Paul and Ann have also got it :(....
Have had a busy day today, running up and down stairs to get drinks, and popping to the shop for lucozade :P
Had an almond croissant for brekkie today as my treat with a nice cup of coffee yum.... straight back to it tho, red day today, chicken, lettuce and roll for lunch with muller and half bag of crisp 2.5 syns, tea was HE A cheese on mushrooms, with bbq skewer chicken, roast butternut, rocket, tom and beetroot... yummy.... and choccie treat tonight...... will have gone over my syns with brekkie.. but it was a treat..... ;)
Here's hoping for a good loss again next week... have promised to buy myself a Mumjii doll as my treat for loosing a stone..... so not long to go - hopefully will be going to choose one on Monday ;)
Off to bed now, after a very disturbed night last night with Andy getting in and out of bed all the time, am in need of sleep.....
Nite all x
Andy and Nic are poorly with a dreaded sickness bug so had them both at home today,its been quite good tho as Nic has kept Andy company upstairs and I have been able to hide downstairs away from the germs..... Mike, Emily,Paul and Ann have also got it :(....
Have had a busy day today, running up and down stairs to get drinks, and popping to the shop for lucozade :P
Had an almond croissant for brekkie today as my treat with a nice cup of coffee yum.... straight back to it tho, red day today, chicken, lettuce and roll for lunch with muller and half bag of crisp 2.5 syns, tea was HE A cheese on mushrooms, with bbq skewer chicken, roast butternut, rocket, tom and beetroot... yummy.... and choccie treat tonight...... will have gone over my syns with brekkie.. but it was a treat..... ;)
Here's hoping for a good loss again next week... have promised to buy myself a Mumjii doll as my treat for loosing a stone..... so not long to go - hopefully will be going to choose one on Monday ;)
Off to bed now, after a very disturbed night last night with Andy getting in and out of bed all the time, am in need of sleep.....
Nite all x
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Officially a Trolley Dolly :P
Im now 'apparently' officially old and embarrassing to be seen with :( Why you might ask, well I am now the proud owner of a Trolley :P I got it at the show today.... and I think its great, its pink with spots and has got fold out wheels at the bottom, and folds up to a small package, I thought it would be fantastic to use on our trips to Waitrose when we always buy too much shopping and then have to struggle home with it all. I was however picked on immensly by all the 'girls', Rachel, Emily, Ann, Jen and even Mary (who I have to add nearly bought one:P), I think its great tho........ even tho the 'girls' walked 5 paces behind me.... when I was using it.... Jen took a piccie of me, so I will share it with you as soon as I can ;) Just been for a visit to Jen's blog, knew it would be on there - thanks Jen, so here is my new bag - awful piccie of me tho.... but you get the idea :P

Well I was very saintly today, took my own lunch to the show, and had no naughtiness at all - I had muller,pear and banana for brekkie, alpen light choc bar for mid am snack, couscous, red pepper, toms, chickpeas for lunch, and rice pudding and apple for mid pm snack, and then came home to yummy roast chicken (B portion), roast pots, and lots of veg.... had small piece of eclair - it was 7.5 syns for whole one and I had not quite a third, so will syn it as 2.5 syns and then a wildlife bar as my treat so 8 syns altogether for today.... jsut going to have a munch on some cheese tho as I havent done very well with my As today BUT I am feeling very pleased with myself, lets hope it shows tomorrow on weigh in day ;) keep everything crossed for me.......

Well I was very saintly today, took my own lunch to the show, and had no naughtiness at all - I had muller,pear and banana for brekkie, alpen light choc bar for mid am snack, couscous, red pepper, toms, chickpeas for lunch, and rice pudding and apple for mid pm snack, and then came home to yummy roast chicken (B portion), roast pots, and lots of veg.... had small piece of eclair - it was 7.5 syns for whole one and I had not quite a third, so will syn it as 2.5 syns and then a wildlife bar as my treat so 8 syns altogether for today.... jsut going to have a munch on some cheese tho as I havent done very well with my As today BUT I am feeling very pleased with myself, lets hope it shows tomorrow on weigh in day ;) keep everything crossed for me.......
Meet my new friend, Carl :P
I have got a new friend, Carl the Cuttlebug, I picked him up on our trip out today - I wasnt going to buy one as although they are great, I just didnt need one as I had a sidekick and a zip-e-mate so really couldnt justify getting another die cutter......... BUT I had to in the end to help out - Rachel was after a die cutter and so was Emily, so I suggested as a joke to begin with, that I would sell them mine, and get a cuttlebug, they thought that was a brill idea, and so we did - I sold my old die cutters that I had and got Carl instead.......
Here he is - my new boy.... and he really is fab... ;)
Saturday, February 2, 2008
It snowed ;)
We woke up to a nice shower of icing sugar covering the ground this morning:P I was up and ready nice and early for a Saturday, Andy was at the office today so I got up with him when he was getting ready, but the kids had other ideas, no rushing to get dressed and ready at all so much so that by the time we got outside the icing sugar near our house had gone :( so we took the dogs for a walk in the search of snow, found some on the next side street, so armed with our carrier bag ;) - we filled it with snow and then came back home to build a snowman.... he's only small (just over a ft ) but very cute.... not sure what the neighbours thought with our snow collecting tho :P, the kids had loads of fun...

Food today was, muller and apple for brekkie, cheese sandwich for lunch, with handful of quavers 1.5 syns, and a banana and a pear, and tea was SW chips and turkey burger. Feeling very hungry tonight, so going to use my last A in a mo to make some rice pudding ;) Went to two parties today and was very good.... had celery, cuecumber, olive and a dash of hummous ;) Hoping for a lose on Monday after being such a good girl all week :P Just made some yummy roasted chick pea, forgot just how good they taste :) Off to the GMex tomorrow and have just been very good and made a pack lunch to take, cous cous with carrot, chickpeas and tomato and rice with apple for pud ;) Just off to shine my halo and then bedtime - Nite xx

Food today was, muller and apple for brekkie, cheese sandwich for lunch, with handful of quavers 1.5 syns, and a banana and a pear, and tea was SW chips and turkey burger. Feeling very hungry tonight, so going to use my last A in a mo to make some rice pudding ;) Went to two parties today and was very good.... had celery, cuecumber, olive and a dash of hummous ;) Hoping for a lose on Monday after being such a good girl all week :P Just made some yummy roasted chick pea, forgot just how good they taste :) Off to the GMex tomorrow and have just been very good and made a pack lunch to take, cous cous with carrot, chickpeas and tomato and rice with apple for pud ;) Just off to shine my halo and then bedtime - Nite xx
Friday, February 1, 2008
Hurrah its Friday...
The weekend is nearly here, got a busy one this weekend, Eve is 2 tomorrow - cant believe it, the time has flown by - so we are popping to Rachels for a little party, Im then going to be cheeky and leave Chloe and Lauren there while I take Nic to another party, Andy has an open day at work... so I will meet him at the farm later. Sunday I am off to the Gmex with MIL, Rachel, Emily, Jen and Mary.... Shirley went today wasnt impressed.... so we'll see ;)
Have been busy this morning trying to get sorted in the 'room' down the stairs... have managed to shift quite a few boxes and stuff to new homes, spent all morning down there, and I still cant see ay difference :( - Rach, Charl and Cam came round for coffee and a play this afternoon - it was lovely to see them. Charl and Nic played really nicely - and Cam had fun just walking around, his new found hobby :P Nic then had Becca over for tea and a play after school, they had a lovely time, great start to the weekend;)
Breakfast today was a muller and raspberries, lunch was french toast (3 nimble) and more raspberries, and tea was turkey burgers and half a bread roll, and a pear, have had 2 alpen lights today so am half over on a HE B so will take it as syns - only other syns today were mini bag of choc buttons, and a splodge of ketchup - so 9 syns today....
Have completed my 'b' layout tonight for my BOM for the A-Z challenge, I have done blog... no photo on the layout, was worried that it wouldnt look right, but quite like it :P will post a piccie for you over the weekend - got a banging headache, so off to bed to have a short read then to sleep - nite all x
Have been busy this morning trying to get sorted in the 'room' down the stairs... have managed to shift quite a few boxes and stuff to new homes, spent all morning down there, and I still cant see ay difference :( - Rach, Charl and Cam came round for coffee and a play this afternoon - it was lovely to see them. Charl and Nic played really nicely - and Cam had fun just walking around, his new found hobby :P Nic then had Becca over for tea and a play after school, they had a lovely time, great start to the weekend;)
Breakfast today was a muller and raspberries, lunch was french toast (3 nimble) and more raspberries, and tea was turkey burgers and half a bread roll, and a pear, have had 2 alpen lights today so am half over on a HE B so will take it as syns - only other syns today were mini bag of choc buttons, and a splodge of ketchup - so 9 syns today....
Have completed my 'b' layout tonight for my BOM for the A-Z challenge, I have done blog... no photo on the layout, was worried that it wouldnt look right, but quite like it :P will post a piccie for you over the weekend - got a banging headache, so off to bed to have a short read then to sleep - nite all x
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